A Letter to France

To: Prime Minister Jacques Chirac


Monsieur Jacques Chirac, 

Bonjour! How was your day! 


I hope you find yourself in a calming manner. Hopefully… You may want to take a seat while reading this letter as it may anger you a little. I am currently contacting you due to my utmost concern. I would gladly advise you to cancel daily bombing dates or any future ones because of the fact that YOU are harming the Pacific Islands like the Mururoa Atoll. Our nation’s animals are starting to become extinct due to a shortage of fresh air and natural food supplies. The citizens living on these islands are receiving heavy radiation which will end up wiping them out within a few months. If you continue doing this, I will have no choice but to become an offence against your Navy crew. France is creating a war neither country can win. 


Please don’t ask me why again, I already told you that it’s risking the life of our land and living organisms around your nuclear testing locations. Please respond.

 Thank you and have a blessed day, Memento Mori.

Au revoir…

Sincerely, The Pacific Nations.